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Horror Story

What wicked fate awaits thee,

O unborn child .

She couldn’t foresee,

What demons within her conspired.

Instead of being a shady tree,

Prenatal growth destroyed.

She couldn’t be on her spree.

How growing in her that tiny brain she doped,

Is this how a mother should be?

And then a husband who never cared,

How unattended he could leave?

A little time he should’’ve spared.

Such a delicate mental state,

Wasn’t to be flared.

Rather nurtured with love and care,

If only he could understand,,

Her psyche..

She wouldn’t have dared,,

To play with life..

But how effect of drugs mutilated,

Growth of brain none could see.

And no one anticipated,

That kind of mad adventure

His brain wasn’t well incorporated.

Surgical endeavors led further to derange,

When how to cut open victims was demonstrated.

Unintentionally conditioning to fall in love,

For shiny organs his eyes bedazzled.

Moving on in life,

A complete failure in every field,

A hug would’ve been the cure,

Instead his mother abandoned,

Feeding Dahmer with hate,

Which later years he vomited.

And thus became an emblem of Evil incarnate.

He let reside,

Love of gore.

As he would bite,

Heart that he boiled.

Every organ that he chewed,

And three heads inside refrigerator store.

Stink fumes through duct though travelled,

But he got away for his skin was white.

Seventeen bodies for cannibalism that he rendered.

How his prey he would lure,

Bones finely powdered.

Drilling body parts didn’t scare,

His thinking completely impaired.

Fair became foul and foul seemed fair there,

Whole body in the backyard that he scattered.

Only his prey’s soul to keep close?

With blotches of blood his mattress permanently stained.

Such a monster rare,

Such deeds deliberated.

A source of nightmare,

For the ones effected.

Pitilessly he ventured,

Fearful eyes of innocent ignore.

As he trapped.

Various victims body parts later to trace.

These innocents might have survived,

But he forever wanted to embrace.

The one who escaped,

Was brought back his wrath to face.

Fair skin helped,

To get away each time.

None remained Unscathed.

Once breathing stopped,

No one could revive.

But the one who finally escaped,

Put an end to his reckless game.

Yet families of the ones that parted,

Couldn’t live like before.

Forever haunted,

By Dahmer’s face.

Like a ghost he appeared,

In form of their horrid nightmare.

He was baptized,

Perchance God might forgive.

But ultimately stabbed,

To put an end to treacherous tale.

His brain was cremated,

As per words that he wrote.

Its function remained

A mystery for the world entire.

If somehow families of the parted hearts could mend,

Repercussions to seize.

But eyes of the tormented,

Remain forever before me.

Circumstances that produce,

Personalities wicked.

We all as a society need to realize,

Avoid conditions that such monsters harbored.

With patience and tolerance,

Let our souls be inspired.

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